
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hey all!

I am already back into school and started my classes. Glad to be back with my roommate and our friends again. Also really excited for my Ethics and Astronomy classes because they're both already so interesting!

Some of my friends picked me up from the airport Monday and surprised me with dinner it was so very sweet!! I had no idea they were gonna be there so it was a complete surprise to me. Then on Tuesday I went to a Wichita Thunder game which I have never been to. So I had a great first week back/birthday weekend.

This was my birthday outfit from last week as well. I got this cardigan from Old Navy and it was the last one. Needed some change for the new year so I got some blonde highlights and I love it!

Enjoy the 3 day weekend!


Dress- Old Navy// Cardigan- Old Navy// Leggings- Forever 21+//
Booties- Rue 21+// Necklace- Walmart//

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