Effortlessly Chic

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hey all!

I hope you are having a great start to your weekend! Anyone else sad that it is starting to get hotter out? I still have so many winter outfit ideas!

This week happened to not be one of my favorites. Lots of busy work between last minute paperwork for K-State and then we had our Fine Arts day. Plus I felt like I just got slammed with a lot of work. But hey, its the weekend and its been warming up outside and I am not going to complain about that.

This outfit was inspired by my favorite blogger once again! To see how she styled it click here. It was pretty chilly out last Saturday so this jacket was perfect to run around doing errands. Then I had to add my blanket scarf and head wrap to keep me warm!



Shirt- Old Navy// Leggings- Forever 21+// Boots- Just Fab//
Jacket- Charlotte Russe+// Scarf- Brina Box// Headwrap- Francesca's// 

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