3 Years

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hey all!

Today is my blog's 3rd birthday. I am lost for words to thank each and every one of you for even clicking like on a photo or reading what I have to say. I can't express how thankful I am to you for supporting me these 3 years. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I started this blog because I thought that maybe there were others out there who were curvy like me and didn't have someone to look up to or find inspiration from to feel comfortable in their skin and be fashionable. I never really felt confidant in my body or comfortable wearing certain things. But in high school I finally took the plunge and started this fashion blog because I was encouraged by my classmates that I would be really great at it! I hoped to make a difference on peoples views on women who are bigger. That we can rock a crop top or high waisted shorts. And honestly I think that I have done that. But I also think that this blog has helped me be more comfortable and even happy with the way I look and feel about my body.

So to thank you I am doing another giveaway!!! It starts tomorrow and will end on the 7th. It is just a small token of my gratitude towards you guys.

Enjoy my outfit today!


Shirt- Torrid// Jeans- Forever 21+// Sandals- Torrid// Sunglasses- Old Navy//
Necklace-Walmart// Hat- Forever 21// Earrings- Kendra Scott//


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