White & Pink Accents

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hey all,

I hope you are having a fabulous weekend! I went home this weekend to celebrate my grandma's 80th birthday. We went to this seafood place called Peppadeaux's and it was sooooo good. I got this scallops sweat pea risotto and my sister got this crab mac n cheese and it was delicious. Then today my mom and my sister, and I went to get mani/pedi's and we gave my sister her birthday gift early since we wont see her on her real birthday.

I promise to do some more fall outfit's soon. I have a clothing haul coming in and have so many ideas for outfits. I am also going to a pumpkin patch FINALLY and taking some photo's so I promise those cliche photos are coming!

I have seen these flats, or style of flats, that are lace ups that have those gold aglets at the end of the laces. I am living for that trend and I really wanted some that I could really walk around in for work or presentations. I saw a photo recently that was wearing white on white and I loved it. So I decided to recreate it and add my pink cluster necklace and these flats!

I hope you enjoy!


Shirt- Lovesick// Jeans- Charlotte Russe+// Necklace- Francesca's// Flats- Rue 21//

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