Graduation | Party Ideas

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Graduation | Party Ideas

Hey all!

I know that we all are getting into Grad party's now and some of us are decorating! Here are some ideas on what to maybe get. Tassels and Pom poms are just plain adorable and girly enough for a 18 year old girls party to liven up the place. These little labels are perfect to label all the food and sweets you've set out. The mason jars are perfect to use as vases! They're not only a little vintage but easily paintable and chic for a grad party.

Hope you enjoy these ideas! A little house cleaning things... I will be doing my giveaway on the 30th and have no idea what to get for you all. If you have suggestions let me know over any social medias. I will definitely post photos from my graduation party here because I am getting a really nice camera!!!! You might just see a few things from here in the photos! ;) 



Pinterest- Malori Clark
Twitter- @curlychic96
Instagram- @malorisclark


  1. Heart throbbing graduation party inspirations!! I am glad that you shared all these chic ideas with details. My sister will be graduating this year and we want to throw a special surprise party for her at one of her favorite event venues Chicago. Your ideas would be very helpful.


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