Hi From College

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hey all!

Thought I would show you some pictures of my dorm and my room and how I organized and stored and decorated it!

First off they put these signs up around where all the dorms are which I thought was really cool.

Here's our dorm called Docking. I love my roommate and suit mates. They're so much fun and we all get along so well. We already have a group of friends which is so nice.

This is how my side of the room looks when you walk in the room. I stuck to my gold, mint, and pink theme. And I am happy with how everything goes together and doesn't clash because I was totally worried about that buying different items that may or may not work.

I had to bring my tassles I got for my grad party to college. And don't worry that cork board will be filled with pictures soon :).

There is so much room underneath the bed I have 3 of those big tubs my laundry and I store my storage cube down there when I'm not using it. By the way I love that storage cube. I put food on the side and cleaning supplies in the cube itself.

I brought my favorite quotes and my usual storage system for jewelry.




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