3 Years

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hey all!

Today is my blog's 3rd birthday. I am lost for words to thank each and every one of you for even clicking like on a photo or reading what I have to say. I can't express how thankful I am to you for supporting me these 3 years. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Settled In

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hey all!

So sorry for the short absence. I had finals and then I was moving back home for the summer and then job hunting! But I am back and ready to do some major blogging this summer. I have so many ideas and can't wait to celebrate my blogs birthday on Monday! I plan to do a fun giveaway this year that you will LOVE.

End Of A Chapter

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hey all!

I hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day! I am so grateful for the amazing women I call my mom and everything she has done for me. She is such a selfless and caring person and I strive to be like her when I am a mom. I love you mom and I hope you have a great day! One day isn't enough to celebrate you. It also happen's to be my dad's birthday so I have to give him a shout out as well. Dad thank you for coming out to my concert last week and listening to my endless chatter. You are goofy and get on my nerves but I love you all the same.
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