Sweet & Sassy | Special Giveaway

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hey all!

I HIT 20,000 VIEWS!!!!! Thank you oh so much for the love and continual reads and likes and shares you guys do for me. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. And to thank you I am going to be doing another giveaway. This outfit today is getting me really excited for Fall so I decided to giveaway a Bath & Body Works gift card because that is my go to place to get me in the mood for a new season. Make sure you follow the directions of how to enter!

As I am typing this it's funny because there is a dust storm warning and its raining. So even the weather knows I am ready for fall. But really the only bad weather I have been able to stand is the Monsoons in Arizona. Living in Kansas they had Tornado warnings every weekend and Earthquakes. I am not about to be blown away or stuck in a ditch so I will continue to live in my little desert just a tad safer and maybe get heat stroke.

This outfit today I was inspired by this Instagram photo I came across experimenting with leopard and cameo prints put together and I just loved it so much. I had been waiting to find an outfit that I could break out this necklace with too because it is girly and a statement and I feel it just completed the overall look not making it look to tough. Overall it was such a sweet and sassy look to do and you could wear it to work or going out with friends or to an event. The possibilities are endless.

Enjoy and don't forget to enter the giveaway!


Dress- Wet Seal+// Shirt- Old Navy+//  Flats- Old Navy// 
Necklace- Francescas// Clutch- DSW//

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