Summer Sun

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hey all! 

Thought I would update you on my first day of work! It was SO much fun. I had such a blast with my co workers and couldn't stop laughing. My manager made such a great point that the store is like a gym for some people because they go 2-3 times a week. I am really excited to have this job and can't wait to blog about interesting things that happen to me at work or interesting people I meet. 

Today I was only running around the house and went to take care of some errands so I thought a good light weight outfit would be nice! Coral is officially my color for the summer because it's all I have been wearing. From lipstick, to scarfs, to shorts. 

Funny enough my fingernails match my shorts. Again this summer I have totally been loving just basic everything and either dressing up the top half or bottom half. But this week I wanted to be really casual with super bright coral shorts.



Shirt- Target// Shorts- Old Navy// Shoes- Charlotte Russe// Earrings- Target// Fedora- San Fran Botique// Purse- Target// Necklace- Pacsun


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