Little Brother

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hey all!

So today my brother had his basketball game and I have been enjoying getting to see his activities and watch him grow so big. We are going to see Inside Out tomorrow. He has been wanting to see it all week and can't wait to see "Angry" one of the characters in the movie he has dubbed as his favorite. Here he is shooting the ball:

If you haven't already go back to my 2 year anniversary post and enter in my giveaway. There are 3 things you need to do to enter! It ends on the 20th!!! Also if you missed my Rocksbox post I mentioned that you can use my coupon code "curlychicxoxo" to start your first month free!

Hope you like my outfit!

 Shirt- Old Navy// Chambray- Old Navy// Shorts- Old Navy (refashioned)//
Necklace- Charming Charlie// Bracelet- Charming Charlie// Shoes- Target

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