Let's Shop For a Coat

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Let's Shop For a Coat

Hey all!

Hope you're having a nice week and thank you for being patient with me as I am still trying to figure out times of the week were I will be blogging. So far it's just whenever I have the time. 

I just recently bought my first coat (that I can remember buying) for Kansas. Yes it really is already getting pretty cold here in the mornings. I have already put away my winter items and replaced them with my fall/winter clothes.

So I thought I would give some suggestions for coats if you are looking for one and am not really sure what you want? Don't worry I have got you covered.

Military Jacket- I recommend one with some kind of fur lining in the coat or around the hood/collar of the jacket. That way you are warm not only in the fall but during the freezing temperature's in December.

Leather Jacket- Need I say more? This is such a staple item and can definitely edge up an outfit. I also own a leather jacket and if I just layer with that and a sweater then I am usually pretty warm the rest of the day. 

Petticoat- THIS IS WHAT I BOUGHT!! Okay well not exactly. Mine is a tan petticoat and it is wool. Soooooo warm and nice on the inside. 

Fur Vest- I know this isn't exactly a coat but it's also really useful during the fall when you don't want to layer but you don't want just a long sleeve shirt.

Trench-coat- The ultimate coat you need during winter. Whether you are in the big apple or Minnesota you know that you need something heavy ( and fashionable) as this during those snowy school days.

Quilted Vest- I also own one of these and can't tell you how nice it is to have that heat compacted on your mid section. Perfect for fall with a scarf and a cup of coffee!

Hope you enjoyed this!



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