Trains, Plains, and Automobiles

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hey all!

I apologize for the wonky schedule I have had and not being able to post more often. I have 20 hours and am working in the costume department for the theater!! Our first play is October 30th and we're doing Little Shop of Horrors :) definitely come out to Ark City to watch.

College is definitely different though. I am really enjoying my classes and how different it is than high school. I'm also having fun exploring and finding different places in a small town.

For example there is this park that has a train on it and it is huge! One of my friends Sabrina is my photographer at the moment and had never seen it before so we decided we would take photos there.

I can't wait to see more of this amazingly small city. If you follow me on any social media like twitter or instagram I update pretty regularly with posts.

Hope you enjoyed my post!



Chambray- Old Navy// Sweater- H&M// Leggings- Forever 21+// 
Shoes- American Eagle// Necklace- Rue 21// Bracelet- Target

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