Graduation | What To Wear

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hey all!

I have been feeling totally under the weather these past 2 weeks so I have taken a break from photos. But here is another post and hopefully in the next few days I can do some outfits for yeah!

So I am totally ready to graduate. It is on my to-do list of things and I am nothing but excited. Planning my outfit is another thing... Because I have NO clue what to wear. I honestly haven't thought about it at all. But here is an idea for anyone else goin to your friends/daughter/sibling graduation soon.

Well I am in love with this dress it's not casual but not super fancy either. I love the color too pastels are always in during this season so I though putting in a coraly pink would be great! Wedges are a must ad these are adorable. Next is jewelry and you can't go wrong with some arm candy and a small pendant with your initials!


Pinterest- Malori Clark
Twitter- @curlychic96
Instagram- @malorisclark

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