Road Trip

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hey all!

Hope you had an amazing weekend! Because I had a wonderful vacation seeing my family and having a break from work.

First off right when we got to the lake house it was a Ford and Ram expo with everyone's trucks. Tell me this doesn't make you laugh?

The lake was nice and each day was really breezy nice weather. We all got just a little bit sunburned each day. My sister took these gorgeous photos of the sunset and photos of my cousin! She's very photogenic :). 

Overall it was a much needed vacation and it was a LONG drive. Wow I can't believe my sister and I drove my car 18 hours total ( 2 days don't worry we didn't do it in one hit). I also got to meet my future roomie! She is so cool and friendly I can't wait to be living with her for the school year. Here are two photos from instagram in case you missed it.

And then the road home we decided to get home in 1 day which we did woohoo! I drove most of the way home yesterday nigh getting us to the house at 1:45am. There were horrible storms this whole weekend and I know that there was a lot of damage done to the streets so everyone be safe!




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