LYLD {Little Yellow Lace Dress}

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hey all!

I am beyond excited to share these photos that fellow Tempe photographer Rylie captured of me. Her post on this collab is linked here! We got lucky and found this amazing background to play with all the color I was wearing.

Something her and I always try to work at when going out on a shoot is to find something that will compliment what I am wearing and try to bring forward that color or focus on the piece. We ended up spending the whole day together and it was too much fun.

I am FINALLY wearing some SugarFix earrings by Bauble Bar. I have been wanting to buy some of their products for months when it launched at Target but the one by my house never has any. And I found these shoes on clearance at Target that is similar to these ones floating around the blog-o-sphere.

I hope you love this collab! Stay tuned for more projects with the talented Rylie!


Dress- Rue 21+// Shoes- Target// Sunnies- Francesca's// 
Earrings- SugarFix {Bauble Bar} // Necklace- Francesca's// Lippie- Milani


  1. I saw you post this yellow dress to Instagram last night, and I spent our drive home scrolling through your latest blog posts. This dress is divine, and the photos are so vibrant and pretty. You look gorgeous!


    1. Thank you Liz! I'm glad you liked it. This background was fun to work with. Thanks so much for the love!


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