Packing & Gabbing

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hey all!

This week I am getting ready to leave for school. I am excited and sad all at the same time. I am sure going to miss my family and friends and co workers but I miss being busy all the time with work. How weird is that? But my mom comes home today and we are having a family dinner which will be nice before I leave.

I also got to see my friend Rylie and her roommate at her new apartment! It was so mod and clean I loved it. Made me excited for when I go to K-State and look for apartments too. We got to talking and catching up on Pretty Little Liars. I haven't watched last nights episode but I can't wait to see the prom dresses the costume designer came up with.

If you too are getting ready to go back to college or already have been through this then you know the process. It takes me forever to pack let alone remember everything I brought home with me. So I make sticky notes and put them on things to remember. I also make a to do list and just scratch off stuff I have packed. I think Friday or Saturday I am going to post a what is essential in your school bag your first day of college.

Today's outfit is just a simple and sweet natural tones, paired with my floral shirt to stand out! Then I added some gold pieces and a fun hat I bought from Forever 21. I have really been loving big sun hats to cover my face. I sunburn easily and this one is adorable.



Shirt- Forever 21+// Skirt- Old Navy// Sandals- DSW//
Necklace- Charming Charlie// Earrings- Boutique// Hat- Forever 21

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