Father's Day

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hey all! 

Happy Father's Day to all of your Dad's, Uncle's, and Grandfather's!!! I don't know what I would have done without my Dad all these years.

Dad you're the best. You always have great advice and are a great role model. You taught me to strive and persevere through everything I do and it has made me the women I am today. I love you! 

Also I start my job today! I am so nervous and excited but mostly nervous. I am really excited to work with these ladies though because they are so nice and friendly. Which is all I have been looking for was really nice people that I'll get along with. 

Here is my first day outfit. I was striving for a friendly, welcoming, and bright outfit that customers and co-workers would see me and think I am a cheery/nice person. I have learned that wearing more neutrals paired with brighter colors make you less.. well scary. Darker colors can make you look edgier and intimidating.




Shirt- Target// Jeans- Old Navy// Shoes- Target// Scarf- H&M// Purse- Target// Watch- Fossil// Sunnies- Wet Seal// Earrings- Charming Charlie

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