Fancy Chic

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hey all!

 I don't know about you guys but I can't believe June is pretty much over and July is taking full swing. But that is okay with me because I am totally ready for school to start and making some fun memories in college. I am interested to see how college changes and transforms me as a person. Only because I have friends who have done a 180 on a maturity level ( in a good way).

 Also if you guys like sci-fi/action/thriller/comic-book/etc movies as much as I do then you know Transformers is out!!!! My brother, sister, and I will be seeing it this week and I am hoping its better then the others because I didn't care for Megan Fox and Shia LaBouf in the other movies. Let me know if you like the movie if you have seen it already! 

Today's outfit I wanted to incorporate bits of color to semi-casual dress that is just black and white and some creme oxfords. I added a pink necklace to really put the rest of the outfit together and it makes my lace flowers on my dress stand out even more. I also added some feather earrings to make it a little more chic and relaxed.

Dress- Forever 21+// Shoes- Rue 21// Purse- Target// Bracelets- Charming Charlie// Earrings- Tilly's// Necklace- Target

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