Friday, September 26, 2014

Hey all!

Aren't you glad it's Friday finally? I am too.

It has been a very long week surprisingly not filled with a lot of tests but just a lot of homework and sickness. If you ever plan on going to college or are in it right now or if you already have been then you know what I am talking about. At one point in your freshmen career you will get so sick it will feel like death. It has been spreading like wild-fire here.

My friend got the flu and she has been as sick as a dog. I am the type of person who HATES to be sick so don't be offended if I don't hug/touch/or want to be around you until you are better.

So please take care of yourself! I know it isn't just college a lot of people I know have been sick not just here in Kansas.

On a side note my choir/band concert is in a month!!! The theme is America. Guys you really need to check it out. It is at the Brown Center at Cowley College located in Arkansas City, KS. Starts at 7 and the choir starts and the band follows right after. You seriously don't want to miss either. Also Little Shop of Horrors is our fall Musical and it's showtimes are October 30th, 31st, and Nov 1st. Come out and support if you are interested!!

Today was a scholarship audition day and my teacher told me to dress like I was going for an interview. I think I nailed it.



Shirt- Old Navy// Skirt- Forever 21+// Shoes- Old Navy// Necklace- Francescas//
Watch- Fossil// Earrings- Buckle

Let's Shop For a Coat

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Let's Shop For a Coat

Hey all!

Hope you're having a nice week and thank you for being patient with me as I am still trying to figure out times of the week were I will be blogging. So far it's just whenever I have the time. 

I just recently bought my first coat (that I can remember buying) for Kansas. Yes it really is already getting pretty cold here in the mornings. I have already put away my winter items and replaced them with my fall/winter clothes.

So I thought I would give some suggestions for coats if you are looking for one and am not really sure what you want? Don't worry I have got you covered.

Military Jacket- I recommend one with some kind of fur lining in the coat or around the hood/collar of the jacket. That way you are warm not only in the fall but during the freezing temperature's in December.

Leather Jacket- Need I say more? This is such a staple item and can definitely edge up an outfit. I also own a leather jacket and if I just layer with that and a sweater then I am usually pretty warm the rest of the day. 

Petticoat- THIS IS WHAT I BOUGHT!! Okay well not exactly. Mine is a tan petticoat and it is wool. Soooooo warm and nice on the inside. 

Fur Vest- I know this isn't exactly a coat but it's also really useful during the fall when you don't want to layer but you don't want just a long sleeve shirt.

Trench-coat- The ultimate coat you need during winter. Whether you are in the big apple or Minnesota you know that you need something heavy ( and fashionable) as this during those snowy school days.

Quilted Vest- I also own one of these and can't tell you how nice it is to have that heat compacted on your mid section. Perfect for fall with a scarf and a cup of coffee!

Hope you enjoyed this!



Trains, Plains, and Automobiles

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hey all!

I apologize for the wonky schedule I have had and not being able to post more often. I have 20 hours and am working in the costume department for the theater!! Our first play is October 30th and we're doing Little Shop of Horrors :) definitely come out to Ark City to watch.

College is definitely different though. I am really enjoying my classes and how different it is than high school. I'm also having fun exploring and finding different places in a small town.

For example there is this park that has a train on it and it is huge! One of my friends Sabrina is my photographer at the moment and had never seen it before so we decided we would take photos there.

I can't wait to see more of this amazingly small city. If you follow me on any social media like twitter or instagram I update pretty regularly with posts.

Hope you enjoyed my post!



Chambray- Old Navy// Sweater- H&M// Leggings- Forever 21+// 
Shoes- American Eagle// Necklace- Rue 21// Bracelet- Target


Friday, September 5, 2014

Hey all!

I am incredibly sorry for not being able to post for almost... what a month now? Ahhh it has been way too long. I have been really missing writing on here and blogging some outfits. But don't worry I will be posting more now that I know my class schedule and activities.

I have been so busy with school work and getting used to the work load. College is definitely different than high school. First off everyone is 10X nicer. I love that, and that everyone at my school is willing to work with you and help you succeed.

Don't get me wrong I totally miss my family. My brother and sister more than anything. I also miss some of my friends. But if you're really good with keeping up with your friends then you'll be fine!For me I sometimes will forget to text or call back someone in the span of hours or days depending on my business of the week. For example this week I had 2 tests and 1 exam.

But honestly I love it. And I can't wait to be even more involved and go to one of my friend Lily's track meets. Unfortunately we don't have a football team but we have basketball and volleyball and once a month we have a free movie day! Plenty of activities and intramural to be involved in.

Will definitely keep you guys posted on social media with college! :) Hope everyone has a good week.



This is Lily one of my good friends and she lives down the hall from me. 

Dress- Forever 21+// Chambray- Target// Shoes- Target// 
Necklace- Rue 21// Bracelet- Charming Charlie

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