Girl's Day Out

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hey all!

My mom and sister and I all went to get pedicure's this morning at this new place called "The Nail Bar." Cutest nail salon I have ever been too. It is very modern fashion with a chandelier and they had "adult" beverages and my sister and I got an Arnold Palmer. It was all very relaxing and a fun girls morning/afternoon.

After that we went to breakfast because nothing else at the mall opens till 10. It was also delicious. My little brother came with us and he got a big ole' pancake. And I got these hashbrowns with mushrooms and tomatoes with an egg on top.

Finally we went to DSW to shoe shop. I didn't find what I was looking for but I found something just as good. I wanted some black sandals to replace one of the pairs Charlie chewed up. But they only would have black with silver or white and I don't care for silver. Instead I found this black crossbody purse on sale. I can't wait to feature it in one of my next outfits.

Here are the other leggings I was talking about in my last post. So colorful, fun, and outside of my comfort zone.


Shirt- Old Navy// Leggings- Target// Sandals- Target//
Necklace- Target// Earrings- Buckle

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