
Friday, July 10, 2015

Hey all!

Today I was hanging out with my friend Rachel and we went and saw the movie "Selfless" that has Ryan Reynolds and Ben Kingsley in it. I thought it was good! Kind of predictable but the plot and storyline was very entertaining.

I also have some really cool news! I had to double check it to make sure I wasn't seeing things but I just reached 1,000 followers on Instagram!!!!!!!! It is a huge accomplishment and milestone and am so happy that.... *drum roll please* I plan on doing yet another giveaway.

Which speaking of remember that giveaway that I had forever ago and never talked about again? Ha Ha yeah... Sorry about that! The winner is Charly Pilz!!! Congratulations! Sorry it took me so long to announce. I will be emailing you and getting your prize to you as soon as possible.

Thank you guys for your support and for reading! I appreciate it you have no idea! Look out for information on this next giveaway. If you have any ideas comment below or shoot me an email!



Shirt- Forever 21+// Skirt- Forever 21+// Kimono- Wet Seal+// 
Sandals- Target// Necklace- Francescas// Earrings- Target


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